Yoga for Musicians (October Series)

Veronika Shoot


The Theme this month in Yoga for Musicians is "Spinal Health". Join us in October for a Healthy, Happy Spine!

"If you would seek health, look first to the spine." Socrates

It is common for musicians to have spine issues developing in time through unhealthy music making habits. We look at ways to counteract our daily habits focusing all 4 sessions on spinal health through awareness, meditation, breath, and movement.

3rd October
Thoracic spine awakening

10th October
Energy through stillness

17th October
Cultivating strength

24th October
Spinal flow

31st October Balance and grounding support

Sutra 2:47 “posture is mastered through relaxation”

These 'musician-friendly' yoga sessions are designed for you to start the day feeling energised and refreshed and are suitable for everyone, including beginners.

Support your health and well-being by addressing the physical, mental, and emotional challenges you face as a musician. Getting on the mat is a way of turning inwards and addressing all our outward experiences in a calm manner. By bringing awareness to our breath, we support our body's natural wisdom to help increase focus. In this yoga session, find equilibrium, build strength and decrease stress.


Dieser Kurs besteht aus mehreren Einheiten.

Die Zeiten werden in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: America/Chicago Zeitzone bearbeiten

Alle Sessions: 35,00 € Einzelne Sessions: 10,00 €

Ihr Host

Veronika Shoot 45x Veronika Shoot

Veronika Shoot