What Every Singer Needs to know about the Body

Melissa Malde

Malde High Res


In this 5½ hour course, mezzo-soprano Melissa Malde will offer an in-depth introduction to Body Mapping. This course will be taught in relation to singing. However, the information and movement principles covered apply to all musicians.

Our sound comes from our movement, and our movement is governed by our body maps. As we go through life, our brains map how each part of the body is built and how it functions. If those body maps are adequate and accurate, our movement is graceful and efficient. If not, we can experience limitation and even injury. In Body Mapping, we correct and refine our body maps, bringing them into relationship with the whole body and the surrounding environment. Once embodied, our adequate, accurate body maps allow us to move with assurance and ease, and our bodies respond joyfully to every artistic impulse.

In every session, participants will be invited to “try on” Body Mapping concepts through their own movement. Please wear something comfortable and be prepared to move!

Friday, 19th February: Session 1 Body Mapping, Awareness, and Balance

  • Cultivating efficient, healthy, graceful movement through Body Mapping.
  • Expanding inclusive awareness.
  • The body in balance: load distribution and bio-tensegrity.

Saturday 20th February: Session 2 Breathing and the Vocal Tract

  • The structures and movements of inhalation and exhalation.
  • Breath support.
  • The moveable structures of resonance.

Sunday 21st February: Session 3 Arms and Legs

  • Balance and movement of the arms and legs.
  • Arms and legs in relationship with breathing.
  • Presence: inclusive awareness revisited.

This event has multiple sessions. If you must miss a session, your ticket gives you access to the recording. Classes held via Zoom.


Dieser Kurs besteht aus mehreren Einheiten.

Die Zeiten werden in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Africa/Monrovia Zeitzone bearbeiten

Alle Sessions: 90,00 €
Fr. 19. Februar 2021 Vergangen
15:00–16:30 Africa/Monrovia
What Every Singer Needs to know about the Body: Session 1
Sa. 20. Februar 2021 Vergangen
15:00–17:00 Africa/Monrovia
What Every Singer Needs to know about the Body: Session 2
So. 21. Februar 2021 Vergangen
15:00–17:00 Africa/Monrovia
What Every Singer Needs to know about the Body: Session 3

Ihr Host

Malde High Res

Melissa Malde