What Every Musician Needs to Know about the Body for Wind Players

Amy Likar

Amy Promo Photo Amy Likar

Come join Amy Likar for 2 hours a day, over 4 days, to explore the course What Every Musician Needs to Know About the Body for Wind Players (but open to all musicians!)

Amy writes..

As a graduate student with both jaw and forearm issues, I was very lucky, when I mentioned the problems to my teacher, I was advised to take the Alexander Technique class my university offered. The class was a revelation to me, not only was I learning how to play pain free, I was finally able to play with the tone and presence of sound I always had in mind but could not always achieve consistently. The foundation of my study was something my teachers Barbara Conable and William Conable called Body Mapping: learning how to move more efficiently based on a corrected and refined body map. Getting a clearer understanding of my map allowed me to more directly apply the Alexander Technique to my practicing and performing. Fast forward a quarter century and these methods have become the foundation of my musicianship and how I organize my process to practice and perform. Learning how to get out of one's own way to create meaningful, musical playing is at the heart of why it's important to learn this information.

5 May: Session One

Body Mapping Overview and it’s application to your musical process

Discovering Dynamic Balance

6 May: Session Two

Free the arms, Free the Breath, Free the Breath, Free the arms

7 May: Session Three

The legs and whole body integration to continue to free the breath and the arms.

8 May: Session Four

Masterclass, Integration into everyday practice, questions, practical application in the practice room, anything else we didn’t cover in the other three sessions!


Dieser Kurs besteht aus mehreren Einheiten.

Die Zeiten werden in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Africa/Monrovia Zeitzone bearbeiten

Alle Sessions: 150,00 € Einzelne Sessions: 40,00 €

Ihr Host

Amy Promo Photo Amy Likar

Amy Likar