Violin Stories and Tales with Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Masin

Cover sheet music final

Suitable for all levels of ability

Join Gwendolyn Masin every Wednesday for 30 minutes and immerse yourself in a world of music and fantasy. Gwendolyn explores a gentle mix of ways to achieve better results from
daily practice by revisiting the very foundations of playing, and includes anecdotes from legendary musicians as well as stories analogous to learning. As with Gwendolyn’s Scales Flow classes this is a playalong and you, the participant, are involved in the shaping of the next class. If you have special wishes, please let us know!

In this week's class: A famous violinist said this. Can you guess who? "Take a chance. If you miss it, it will hurt only once." Let's hurt less - today we explore ways to make learning double stops more exciting, by way of Jacob Dont Etude no. 8 and Otakar Ševčík "School of Violin Technique" Opus 1, no. 4.

These classes is designed for (and inspired by) curious children who have a huge imagination and expect brilliant results for their efforts yet have very little patience and are easily bored.

These classes are also designed for parents whose objective is to give their children the key to exploring the amazing world of music-making.

And, most certainly, these classes are designed to support the teacher who guides both.

Come along, bring your instrument and a sense of curiosity. These classes involve active participation (if you wish) and there will always be time for you to ask questions. These are all-levels sessions, suitable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced players, aged 4 upwards.


Mi. 17. Februar 2021, 16:30–17:00 Aufnahme

Die Zeit wird in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Africa/Monrovia Zeitzone bearbeiten

Our community classes are based on a system of dāna. Dāna is the practice of cultivating generosity. At The Exhale, anything up to 6 hours a week of learning are given in the form of community classes, where the price of a class is recommended and not imposed. Those who teach these community classes volunteer their time and offer the revenue generated by it to faculty members who are in financial need during this unprecedented time in our collective history. We thank you for supporting this eco-system of giving and receiving!

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