Scottish Fiddle

Donald Grant

Donald Grant

Ever wanted to play Scottish Fiddle? Join The Exhale's newest faculty member Donald Grant exploring the glorious aural traditions of Scottish folk music.

Donald was brought up in the small village of Roybridge in the Highlands of Scotland. When not running around the hills or climbing he could be found playing music of all sorts and it quickly became his life’s passion.

He grew up immersed in traditional music as his father was a Gaelic singer and teacher. He sang songs from when he could speak and loved attending courses at Sabhal Mor Ostaig and attending the National Mod and Feisan nan Gaidheal. Mostly he just loved playing WITH people.

Donald is now Deputy Head of Chamber Music at the Royal Northern College of Music and a member of the Elias String Quartet. He is an astonishing musician that is equally at home in classical or traditional playing.

Sunday 18th October: Playing by Ear.

Donald will teach a tune completely by ear and look at ways in how to make it authentic with particular focus on bowing technique and LH ornamentation.

Sunday 25th October : Jamming!

Donald will teach a Scottish tune (or two) by ear and then focus on how to play along with it. Particularly good for anyone in isolation!


So. 8. November 2020, 16:00–17:00 Aufnahme

Die Zeit wird in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Africa/Monrovia Zeitzone bearbeiten

Preis: 20,00 €

Ihr Host

Donald Grant

Donald Grant