Reimagining Concerts Class 1

Johanna Schwarzl, Dan Marginean

JD 58 von 316 Johanna Schwarzl

The Pandemic has showed us more than ever the necessity of reimagining the classical concert format. Through this Workshop series we seek to inspire you towards finding new ideas and creating new unique concert experiences.

In this workshop series we will show you inspiring examples of different artists around the globe who have already created new ways of reaching out to their audience. You will see, hear and learn about their approaches to creating unique concert experiences.

We will understand that creating a concert experience is not only giving a time and space frame to music but can and should go far beyond that. By looking at the Theory of Concert Design by Folkert Uhde we will learn about different parameters and factors that guide through designing a concert.

We will speak about reaching out to new audiences and the power of collaborations. Not only with other artists or art forms but also institutions and groups of people who are usually not taken in consideration for such events.

Lastly we will lead you through the practical steps of Designed Thinking for your own potential project. We find Designed Thinking a very helpful tool towards coming up with new ideas and concepts.

First workshop/class: Concert 2.0

The artistic content of a Concert is not the only aspect that will assure the success of your event. The frame you give it is just as important! Follow us around the globe as we show you different artists who (re)defined the frame of their concerts and thereby elevated their artistic message. Let yourself be inspired and let yourself be challenged by those “different” and out-of-the-box approaches, which we hope will lead you to asking yourself the following question: What is a concert actually? Maybe your perspective will change, maybe it will be confirmed or maybe you will just think it’s all bogus – let’s find out together!

Other classes in this series...

Second workshop/class: Concert Design

Folkert Uhde created and established the term Concert Design. In this workshop we will learn what Concert Design is, how it works, and how can it help you create a new concert experience for your public. The venue, the content, the “actors”, as well as the timing and the duration of the event are very important factors indeed to ponder upon when brainstorming for a concert idea. But there are more factors that can contribute dramatically towards changing the individual experience of a concert.

Third workshop/class: The power of collaborations

The widely acquiesced mentality of classical music institutions and music universities doesn’t generally inspire us to think constructively about collaborations with other musicians (except for chamber music, to some extent), other art fields and even less with “other”, non-cultural, entities. We are taught to mind our own business and especially career. This doesn’t just apply to soloists – the same way of thinking persists for example in orchestras. We have found that an immense power lies in collaborations, with other artists, businesses, schools, social entities. Our experience is that the artistic results are better, the workload is reduced and most important of all, it’s a lot more enjoyable. In this class we want to show examples of different types of collaborations and how one can go about creating synergies.

Fourth workshop/class: Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a process for creative problem solving and the creation and development of new ideas. It is a human-centered approach. For classical musicians it means an audience-centered approach when it comes to developing new concert formats. We will try to help you develop an overview on how design thinking works while going through a standard design thinking session together.


Fr. 23. April 2021, 12:00–13:00 Aufnahme

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