MEMBERS EVENT (The Protector) | Everything You Wanted to know about The Alexander Technique and your Practice Process.

Amy Likar

Body Mapping22 Amy Likar

The Alexander Technique and your Practice Process.

Join Amy Likar for a 45 minute Q and A where you can ask anything about applying the Alexander Technique to your music making process.

Freeing your musical expression through efficient whole body movement is a passion of Amy’s and she loves having open dialogues about how she integrates Body Mapping, Alexander Technique and music making. Come join her!

This event is available free to our Protector members and not available to book here. Please go to our Membership page for further details of our subscription plans and how to join. Click on this sentence for more.


Mo. 27. September 2021, 15:30–16:15 Aufnahme

Die Zeit wird in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Africa/Monrovia Zeitzone bearbeiten

Members of the tier "The Protector" can access this class for free.

Preis: 0,00 €

Ihr Host

Amy Promo Photo Amy Likar

Amy Likar