MEMBER EVENT | What is 'Nonviolent Communication'? From Dissonance to Harmony

Sylvie Hörning


From Dissonance to Harmony

In a special event for our Encourager and Protector members only, newest faculty member Sylvie Hörning gives a special preview of her upcoming course at The Exhale on the principles of Nonviolent Communication. Nonviolent Communication is an approach based on the theories of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg that helps you learn how to communicate in a way that strengthens relationships, cultivates trust, avoids conflict, and provides comfort in painful situations. This is an interactive session, open to all questions on the subject.


Sa. 30. Oktober 2021, 10:00–11:00 Aufnahme

Die Zeit wird in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: America/Chicago Zeitzone bearbeiten

Preis: 0,00 €