Know And Grow Your Audience - Learn How To Build Connection

Clíodhna Ryan

Design thinking empathy 6 1

Do you ever look out into the audience and ask yourself these questions;

Why does this audience look different to last week? Who are they? Why are they here? How did they find out about this concert?

As musicians and curators, we often experience our audience as a mysterious thing, whose motivations we don’t really understand.

But why is it like this?

Why don’t we approach a concert like a designer, and learn about our audience, so we can know it and grow it?

Why not know WHO your audience is, WHY they come to concerts, WHAT works for them, HOW to talk to them, and WHERE they are getting their information?

Join Cliodhna Ryan on a whistle-stop tour of design thinking, the method designers use to create and innovate, putting people at the centre of the process.

From brief outline of its history, a quick chat about the designer’s mindset, to a whizz through each of its five stages; empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing; this 90 minute class will be an introduction to a set of incredible tools that you can use to connect with your audience, in order to create concerts and experiences that will have them coming back for more.


Sa. 29. Januar 2022, 11:00–12:30 Aufnahme

Die Zeit wird in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: America/New_York Zeitzone bearbeiten

Preis: 30,00 €

Ihr Host

Cliodhna Ryan Headshot 1 cropped

Clíodhna Ryan