It's a Set Up - Individual Consultation copy

Claire Stefani

IMG 5521

This is a unique opportunity to have a private consultation with Claire Stefani to discuss what matters (... and what doesn't) when attempting to optimize your violin/viola chin/shoulder rest set-up.
Claire will address how to set the proper somatic foundation for ANY set-up to work, and then offer guidelines on how to successfully adjust chin and shoulder rests to one's body type.

While playing discomfort is never ONLY about a bad chinrest or shoulder rest, the set-up matters when exploring ways to eliminate unwanted tensions and be smarter about how we move around the instrument. This process has more to do with assembling a puzzle than finding a miracle product that will quickly fix movement limitations!
Claire will first use Body Mapping to reinforce a few important anatomical realities of the shoulder joint and the spine. She will then review some chin and shoulder rests options allowing a free and safe movement, and discuss how to customized some of these to multiple body types. Claire will assess whether a customized chinrest is needed and can then advise you on how to get further help.


Mo. 19. April 2021, 14:00–15:00 Aufnahme

Die Zeit wird in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Africa/Monrovia Zeitzone bearbeiten

Preis: 120,00 €

Ihr Host

IMG 7898 Claire Stefani

Claire Stefani