Introducing the ColourStrings Teaching | Material Technique and Philosophy

Géza Szilvay


We are privileged to welcome distinguished violin pedagogue Professor Géza Szilvay, founder of the Colourstrings programme and ESTA President, to The Exhale to deliver this 30 hour Introduction to Colourstrings teaching.


Colourstrings© creates a firm musical foundation for the child, which means child-centred music teaching. In 40 years of successfully teaching this method was developed further and refined. The philosophy and method does not form or mould the child to the need of the instrument but rather domesticates the instruments and the instrumental teaching to meet the child’s need.

Colourstrings© is not limited only to teaching manual dexterity movements made by the two hands but tend also to give the whole music as an “art-package” to the child, where the developing of instrumental technique, the musical hearing (with the help of the relative Solmisation), understanding (music theory) and the musical emotions occur in equilibrium all the time.

Colourstrings© involves many senses in learning any new idea. To teach more complex notions, the instrumental school will make use of Colour- and Picture symbols.

To see and to hear goes hand in hand. Thus the learning is deeper and more lasting.
But also musical writing and reading is connected from the very beginning with playing. While playing and reading movements are connected with intellectual processes. Playing and instrument thus develops also to an intellectual activity.

This 30 hour course will be held over 10 Saturdays starting September 4th 2021.

Subjects of the sessions:

Basic rhythm exercises played with left hand “numbered” pizzicato and guided bow.

Open string and octave natural harmonics exercises played with individual bow stroke movements.

Natural harmonics in first position.

Reading and playing in the one-line system , summary of book A.

Stopping with the first finger.

Stopping with the second finger

Stopping with the third finger

Stopping with the fourth finger

Summary of book B

Introducing the five-line system, new rhythms and the slur (legato).

Bow division, new rhythms and the major pentachord.

String crossing, playing on two strings and extended tone-set.

Pentatony and summary of book C.

Minor melodies with new finger pattern, major and minor pentachord.

Hexachords and new rhythms.

Diatony and new rhythms.

Summary of book D.

Finger patterns (Books E and F).

Rhythms and beats (Yellow Pages I and II).

Bowings (Yellow Pages III).

Positions (Books G)

Dieser Kurs besteht aus mehreren Einheiten.

Die Zeiten werden in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Europe/Athens Zeitzone bearbeiten

Alle Sessions: 380,00 €
So. 29. August 2021 Vergangen
15:00–18:00 Europe/Athens
Introducing the ColourStrings Teaching | Session 1
Sa. 4. September 2021 Vergangen
15:00–18:00 Europe/Athens
Introducing the ColourStrings Teaching | Session 2
So. 5. September 2021 Vergangen
15:00–18:00 Europe/Athens
Introducing the ColourStrings Teaching | Session 3
Sa. 11. September 2021 Vergangen
15:00–18:00 Europe/Athens
Introducing the ColourStrings Teaching | Session 4
So. 12. September 2021 Vergangen
15:00–18:00 Europe/Athens
Introducing the ColourStrings Teaching | Session 5
Sa. 18. September 2021 Vergangen
15:00–18:00 Europe/Athens
Introducing the ColourStrings Teaching | Session 6
So. 19. September 2021 Vergangen
15:00–18:00 Europe/Athens
Introducing the ColourStrings Teaching | Session 7

This series is currently not available for purchase

Ihr Host

Geza szilvay

Géza Szilvay