Feldenkrais for Musicians

Paul Pui Wo Lee

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Join Paul Pui Wo Lee, Feldenkrais® practitioner, dancer, and current choreographic assistant/rehearsal director at Of Curious Nature in Bremen, Germany, for a Feldenkrais session he has devised especially for musicians.

The Feldenkrais Method® looks at improving the efficiency, dexterity, and ease of one’s movements by slowing down and exploring non-habitual movements that shed light onto better ways to move. Musicians move with their instruments in a dance to soundscapes for themselves and others to enjoy. The movements are not meant to be “correctly,” but they help one to develop better listening to “how” one moves to eliminate unnecessary efforts.

In Paul's Feldenkrais® classes, you will learn to cultivate your sensitivity (your “ears” if you will) to continually develop refined motor skills that could improve your performance and well-being in your profession, not to mention your enjoyment of your craft. Since performing with Scottish Ensemble as a dancer in “Goldberg Variations”, Paul has been inspired to share Feldenkrais with musicians for greater artistic flair, which is not unrelated to creativity in playing technique. Through his lessons, you will come away with more ways to become more connected with yourself and your instrument, and have more orientation and practices to help you move away from pain, discomfort and even injuries, and give you more secure ground to grow as an artist. We have relied on habits from our training to arrive at the professional levels we are at now, and the Feldenkrais Method® guides us to safely acquire other possibilities that lie outside of what we currently know, so we have smarter, more fun, and sounder ways to mature our art.


Dieser Kurs besteht aus mehreren Einheiten.

Die Zeiten werden in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Europe/Athens Zeitzone bearbeiten

Alle Sessions: 40,00 € Einzelne Sessions: 12,50 €