Exploring Anna Magdalena’s copy of Bach’s D minor Suite - Inspired by Anner Bylsma

Guy Johnston

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We are delighted to welcome eminent cellist Guy Johnson to The Exhale. Over three days of masterclasses, Guy will discuss and advise on the Bylsma interpretation of the Anna Magdalena bowings of the Bach D minor Suite with 6 students who will be selected to participate.

Guy was fortunate to have been introduced to Anner Bylsma about six years ago by Steven Isserlis. He felt compelled to make contact having read his wonderfully entertaining book, Bach, The Fencing Master, in which he playfully shares his interpretation of the bowings in Anna Magdalena’s manuscript. Through his writings and in-person sessions, Anner prompted Guy to reinvestigate the Suites from the perspective of Anna Magdalena’s copy.

Guy will share the Bylsma interpretation of the Anna Magdalena bowings with the students who will be playing, and then in a masterclass format will discuss concepts and purpose of the bowings and articulation.

20th October - Prelude and Allemande

21st October - Courante and Sarabande

22nd October - Minuets 1and 2 and Gigue

If you would like to participate as a student in these masterclasses, please register your interest by writing to [email protected].


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Alle Sessions: 50,00 € Einzelne Sessions: 20,00 €

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Guy Johnston