Etudes 101 | The Kreutzer Sessions: 'The Road Home' Nos 31 & 32 copy

Peter Sheppard Skaerved, Gwendolyn Masin


During this winter/spring season of Etudes 101, Gwendolyn Masin and Peter Sheppard Skærved continue their journey through Rodolphe Kreutzer's Etudes. In this series they will be investigating numbers 26-40.

To some, the Kreutzer Etudes are dull exercises. Not so with Peter and Gwendolyn. They have the uncanny ability to illuminate the corners of these milestone Etudes in such an exciting manner that history, performance practice and pedagogy become one unit.

Peter writes: ‘It’s a joy to return to our exploration of Kreutzer’s wonderful pieces. Working sequentially through the whole cycle offers so much. First of all, if we trust what Kreutzer is asking of us, the pieces are a window on the idealistic approach to the violin, as celebrated by the three great disciples of Giovanni Battista Viotti. Secondly, he challenges us to find the balance, the integrity, of musical and technical demands and ideals. Thirdly, the first edition, freed of the ‘improvements’ of recent editors, offers a remarkable primer for the performance practice of the generation of what might be called the ‘Revolutionary Violin’, from ‘portes-des-voix’ through to bow-distribution. Do join us as we re-embark on this adventure’!

Reference to the order of the etudes (these differ amongst the myriad editions in circulation) is made by way of the first edition. Publisher info: Paris: Cherubini, Mehul, Kreutzer, Rode, Isouard, Boieldieu, n.d.(1805). This can be found, for example, on IMSLP.

This weekly 45-minute get-together explores ways to achieve better results from daily practice by revisiting the foundations of playing. Gwendolyn and Peter offer preliminary exercises, explanations and achievable goals, injecting meaning and impact to what is often times considered the most dull and dreary moment of any practice.

These sessions are interactive, suitable for intermediate and advanced players. There will always be time for you to ask questions.

You can find recordings of the first 26 studies by going to our recording page.

1st March:

No 27. D major – Graceful String Crossing

No 28. B flat Major – Virtuoso String Crossing

Each of Kreutzer’s cycle of caprices explores the expressive and dramatic potential of specific groups of techniques and virtuoso devices. Nos 27 and 28 reveal the range of possibilities offered by string crossing devices - from high drama to gentle melancholy.


Di. 22. März 2022, 19:30–20:15 Aufnahme

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