Etudes 101

Gwendolyn Masin

Gwendolyn Masin Tom Haeussler 27

Concomitant to Gwendolyn’s Scales Flow, this weekly 30-minute get-together highlights some of the violin repertoire’s best-known Exercises, Etudes and Caprices. Each week’s focus is on a new example of the staple repertoire. Gwendolyn explores ways to achieve better results from daily practice by revisiting the foundations of playing, and includes anecdotes from legendary musicians as well as stories analogous to learning. Gwendolyn offers preliminary exercises, explanations and achievable goals, injecting meaning and impact to what is oftentimes considered the most dull and dreary moment of any practice.

These sessions are interactive. There will always be time for you to ask questions. These are all-levels sessions, suitable for intermediate and advanced players.


Mi. 31. März 2021, 15:30–16:00 Aufnahme

Die Zeit wird in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Africa/Monrovia Zeitzone bearbeiten

Our community classes are based on a system of dāna. Dāna is the practice of cultivating generosity. At The Exhale, multiple hours of learning are given each week in the form of community classes, where the price of a class is recommended but not imposed. Those who teach these community classes volunteer their time and offer the revenue generated by it to faculty members who are in financial need during this unprecedented time in our collective history. We thank you for supporting this eco-system of giving and receiving!

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