Back to Bowsics (April Series)

Joely Koos

Joely koos cello krisztian sipos photography 20180605 063

In this members only event Joely Koos gives us a taster of her new series Back to Bowsics that will begin on April 13th.

Think mindful singing with bow - building awareness of vowel sound and consonants.

The series will begin with resonance and tone production and then Joely will build up from this with 30 min bite-size sessions focusing on bow articulation (consonants) using sevcik’s 40 bowing variations as a framework.

This event is available free to our Exhale members (and above) and not available to book here. Please go to our Membership page for further details of our subscription plans and how to join.


Dieser Kurs besteht aus mehreren Einheiten.

Die Zeiten werden in Ihrer Zeitzone angezeigt: Europe/Athens Zeitzone bearbeiten

Members of the Tier "The Exhale" and above can access this class for free.

Alle Sessions: 25,00 € Einzelne Sessions: 10,00 €
Di. 13. April 2021 Vergangen
17:00–17:30 Europe/Athens
Back to Bowsics
Do. 22. April 2021 Vergangen
17:00–17:30 Europe/Athens
Back to Bowsics
Di. 27. April 2021 Vergangen
17:00–17:30 Europe/Athens
Back to Bowsics

This series is currently not available for purchase

Ihr Host

Joely koos cello krisztian sipos photography 20180605 175 2

Joely Koos